
发布时间:2015-08-26                                   浏览次数: 2849




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  5. Plants & Planting Design 2 (Fudan Enrolment :10 places)

  6. Landscape & Design in China (Fudan Enrolment: 20 places)

  7. Architectural History and Theory 2 - Global Perspectives I (Fudan Enrolment: 15 places)

  8. Visual Communication 2 - Visual Content (Fudan Enrolment: 5 places)

  9. Building Technology 2 - Building Sustainability (Fudan Enrolment: 15 places)

* For detailed schedule, please refer to course handout

Fudan Exchange Courses Offered by Division of Landscape Architecture

2 Courses:

Course Title:Plants & Planting Design 2 (6 credits)

Course Number:ARCH4702

Instructor:Mr. Justin Jencks

Schedule:Wednesday, 2:30pm – 5:30pm (to be confirmed)

Fudan Enrolment: 10 places

Prerequisites: 2nd year or Above & Introductory Ecology or Botany Courses

Contact Hours: 3 hrs x 12 Weeks, starting the week of 1 September 2015

The second course in Plants and Planting Design looks at the application of plant species in a variety of contexts.  Planting design issues such as urban trees, thematic planting, ecological design and self sustaining plant communities are introduced.  It investigates advanced landscape planting techniques including vertical green wall systems, roof gardens, and amenity turf grass.  Technical design considerations of contract documentation, plant specification, and quality control, are discussed.  A detailed review is made of the horticultural nursery and landscape construction industries within the region, looking at practical issues of plant production, delivery and handling, site preparation, planting site construction, and horticultural maintenance.  The course extends students’ understanding of plants and planting design, by examining issues within different climatic zones, building an understanding of plant distribution and use on a regional and global scale, developing a more contextual approach to plant species selection and planting design and working in unfamiliar environments.  Coursework comprises technical design exercises, site visits, and study reports.

Assessment: 50% continuous coursework assessment and 50% examination

Course Title:Landscape & Design in China (6 credits) 

Course Number:ARCH4703

Instructors:Mr. Steven Chen

Schedule:Friday, 9:30am – 12:30pm

Fudan Enrolment: 20 places

Prerequisites: 2nd year or Above

Contact Hours: 3 hrs x 12 Weeks, starting the week of 1 September 2015

This survey course will introduce contemporary design in China through landscape and related design fields such as art, fashion, graphic, industrial, stage, film and furniture design. Students will be exposed to issues of culture, technology, consumption, the environment, rapid urbanization, and other contemporary or historic forces in China that shape the contemporary landscapes and related creative practices.  Students engage with leading Chinese designers in each of the fields and study relevant contemporary projects to determine how issues of Chinese identity and community are being expressed and developed.  This helps students to broaden their understanding of landscape design and introduces them to a wide range of new subjects, materials and techniques that can be used to inspire innovation and creativity in landscape design.  Some topics include: the appropriation of the theories and symbolism of the Chinese garden tradition in contemporary landscape design; and landscape design in response to contemporary urban, environmental, economic, political and cultural forces in China.  Coursework assessment comprises technical research studies, site visit reports, and written papers (up to 5,000 words).

Assessment: 100% continuous coursework assessment

Fudan Exchange Courses Offered by Department of Architecture


The following courses will be offered to Fudan students from any discipline. The students should be Year 2 or above. Registration will be in person at the Shanghai Study Centre on a first come first serve basis.As the courses Visual Communication 2 and Building Technology 2 require certain technical skills, the selection of students will be subject to the agreement by the course teacher.

3 Courses:

Course Title:Architectural History and Theory 2 (6 credits)

Subtitle:Global Perspectives I

Course Number:ARCH3058

Teacher:Mr Darren ZHOU

Schedule:(Lecture) Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. and (Tutorial) Fridays, 4:30 p.m. – 5:20 p.m.

Fudan Enrolment:15 Places (starting from the week of 7th September 2015)

Description:The purpose of this course is two-fold: to introduce students to the development of major architectural ideas and a selected group of significant architectural monuments in Europe, from ancient times to the nineteenth century, and the unique aesthetic, cultural, and historical issues that frame them; and to present the main issues in the study of architecture and the various methods used to analyze and interpret buildings in various spatial and temporal contexts.Lectures and course content will emphasize key themes of cultural, economic, and political interconnectivity and their impact upon architectural production, not only within Europe, but around the world.

Course Title:Visual Communication 2 (6 credits)

Subtitle:Visual Content

Course Number:ARCH3056

Teacher:Mr Nicholas KOTHARI

Schedule:Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 pm

Fudan Enrolment: 5 Places (starting from the week of 7th September 2015)

Description:Visual Communication 2focuses on producing visual content through digital modelling and the communication among a variety of associated digital tools for drafts, analysis, diagrams and fabrication.Based upon the knowledge in geometry and computational logic, this course will construct a series of digital and physical models alongside the design studio projects including topography models out of the information available to the public domain, parametric massing and envelop models with a high degree of precision, communicative models for visualizing information through different format of the visual content, analytical models for design evaluation feedback, and the production models from a series of computer controlled fabrication devices, including the CNC milling machine, the large-format laser cutter, and a three-dimensional printer.

Course Title:Building Technology 2 (6 credits)

Subtitle:Building Sustainability

Course Number:ARCH3067

Teacher:to be confirmed

Schedule:Fridays, 9:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. (to be confirmed)

Fudan Enrolment:15 Places (starting from the week of 7th September 2015)

Description:This course introduces the ideas of sustainability through the underlying ecological principle of whole systems.Ecological systems by nature are dynamic.Therefore, a critical understanding of the functioning, limitations and requirements of the system are fundamental.Lectures and projects will explore the latent potential of these different systems (whether natural or artifice) and how they effect and are affected by the built environment.